5 Foods You Should Eat to Keep Your Prostate Healthy

best foods for prostate

As we get older, it’s not uncommon for men to develop an enlarged prostate. And, although BPH isn’t a very dangerous condition, it can be a source of pain and discomfort. Fortunately, some foods can help you prevent this condition.

Here are the best foods for prostate health:

Sesame Seeds

A study published in the Indian Journal of Urology found that men with prostate cancer and BPH had lower levels of zinc in their blood compared to healthy men. Not only are sesame seeds very rich in zinc, but it’s much easier for our bodies to absorb the zinc from this food than from zinc supplements.

Bell Peppers

Vitamin C is one of the most important micro-nutrients and is often praised for its role in strengthening our immune system. Research shows that it could also help with BPH symptoms. Bell peppers are very rich in vitamin C, as are cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and kale.

Green Vegetables

Newsflash: green veggies are healthy. Not only are they rich in antioxidants, but green leafy vegetables can also reduce the risk of prostate cancer and BPH.


What makes tomatoes one of the best foods for prostate health is lycopene – a carotenoid whose effects on prostate cancer and BPH have long been discussed. A study by the University of Hohenheim in Germany found that this compound could slow the advancement of BPH.


Several studies show that isoflavones found in tofu can help with BPH symptoms, especially those that manifest in the lower urinary tract. Other foods that are also rich in isoflavones include tempeh, soy milk, and roasted soybeans.


Introduce any of these best foods for prostate health to make sure your prostate stays as healthy as possible as you reach late adulthood.

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